Friday, 31 August 2012

How To Play Ps2 Games on PC

How To Play Ps2 Games on PC

Play Ps2 Games on Your PC
Now a days Play stations cost more and people like me who don't have enough money cant buy one but love to play Ps2 games .If your in a similar situation you need not worry because you can still play Ps2 games and that to on your computer with a Ps2 emulator, Ps2 emulator is a small piece of software that allows us to run Ps2 games on PC  .So with PS2 emulator we can play ps2 games on PC and the best  part is that its all free! absolutely free . Follow the steps given below to Download Ps2 emulator

Things you Need :

PCSX2 :  PlayStation emulator which is required to play ps2 games on PC you can download the latest version of pcsx2 to from the official website click Here

Bios  : The PlayStation 2 Bios which is a definite requisite to boot up the emulated PS2 on PC you can Download the Bios from Here .To get the password click Here

How to Run Games on  PS2 Emulator :
1.  Dump your own BIOS and put it into the BIOS folder
2.  Configure the emulator For this you can refer from the official psx2 forum from Here
3.  Get your Ps2 game discs ready, or make an ISO (using power ISO ) of them for faster access
4.  Configure the cdvdrom plug in to point to those ISO/discs
5.   Then open File->Run CD/DVD .and start  playing your favourite Ps2 game on your PC 

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