Friday 28 September 2012

Hacking Tools

Hacking Tools 

  1. Armitage : Graphical Cyber Attack Management Tool
  2. BSQL Hacker : automated SQL Injection Framework Tool
  3. BlaZer's Tool Kit - All in One Hacking Tools Pack : Free Download
  4. Collection Of Best PHP and ASP shells
  5. Collection of best SQL injection Tools
  6. Collection of best SQL injection Tools : Part 2
  7. Dark-Jumper v5.8 : SQLi, LFi RFi Scanner
  8. Free Download : Anti Hacker Toolkit
  9. Free Download : Hackers professional toolkit : collection of Hacking tools
  10. Free Download : Havij 1.15 pro Final
  11. Free Download : Pangolin Professinal Usb Edition
  12. Free Download : Wireless Hacking Tools 2011
  13. Hack SQLi Vulnrable Websites with SQL map : Automatic SQL Injection Tools
  14. Hexjector : Opensource,Cross Platform PHP script to automate Site Pentest for SQL Injection Vulnerabilties.
  15. How to hack Websites using Havji (all Versions)
  16. Mr.Dark Soul's Wordpress Blog Hacker
  17. OpenSCAP : open-source framework
  18. PHP Dos/DDOS (Denial Of Service) Attack Script
  19. Paki Hacking Tool kit By Dr. Trojan
  20. Pangolin : Automatic SQL Injection & PenTesting Tool
  21. Pesca 0.75 local stealer Ftp+Mail+Php Uploader + Php logger
  22. Remote Administrator with ProRat v1.9
  23. SQLYog : MySQL injection Tool
  24. Safe3SI : SQLi vulnerabale websites & Database Hacking Tool
  25. Web Hacking with DVNA
  26. Website Vunerablity Scanner : SQLi | LFI | XSS | Shell Upload
  27. website Hacking With Real SQL : Automatic SQL Injection Tool

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